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Local Transport Plan

The Local Transport Plan (LTP) sets the transport agenda for the Vale of Glamorgan.


Local Transport Plans are local authority plans that will set out the priority schemes that local authorities intend to invest in. The Welsh Government (WG) expect the Councils to work with them to secure an efficient and effective transport system for Wales:  where good connections for national and international markets allow businesses to prosper and where everyone can access the opportunities they need to live healthy and fulfilling lives.


The process local transport authorities must follow in developing their LTPs has been streamlined for 2015 onwards. Local transport authorities are allowed to update schemes or priorities identified in their Regional Transport Plans (RTPs) to adapt to changes since their publication, and can address the findings and contents of studies and plans developed since this period. 


The WG expect LTPs to focus on targeting investment in transport that will:

  • Support economic growth and safeguard jobs across Wales, but with a particular focus on the City Regions, Enterprise Zones and local growth zones
  • Reduce economic inactivity by delivering safe and affordable access to employment sites across Wales;
  • Maximise the contribution that effective and affordable transport services can make to tackling poverty and target investment to support improvements in accessibility for the most disadvantaged communities;
  • Encourage safer, healthier and sustainable travel.



Regional Transport Plan

The former Regional Transport Plan document, together with its policies and proposals, replaces the individual Local Transport Plans previously developed by the ten local authorities within South-east Wales.