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Planning Committee

The Planning Committee consists of 17 councillors, who deal with applications for planning permission in the Vale of Glamorgan


The Committee meets every month, other than August, at the Civic Offices in Barry. Meetings usually start at 4.00pm.


The public are entitled to attend meetings of the Planning Committee to hear proceedings. Representation can be made in writing or directly to any Councillor before the meeting, but there is also a provision for public speaking at the meeting.  


Committee Reports and Associated Documents

Where an application is to be considered by the Planning Committee, a written report is produced which is available for inspection by the public (unless it is confidential). The Committee reports are made available four working days before the date of the meeting. Late representations may be received after the report is written.




Please note: The webcasting page is only live during committee meetings.


Planning Committee Webcasting

  • Privacy Notice


Register to Speak

When the Planning Committee considers an application for new development, there is a provision for public speaking at that Committee meeting.


Register to Speak at Planning Committee


Commenting on Planning Applications

When comments are submitted in relation to planning applications that are being reported to Planning Committee, outside of the statutory consultation period of 21 days, it should be noted that those comments may be received too late to be included within the formal committee report. This is because reports are usually prepared some two weeks before the actual Planning Committee Meeting.


In order to ensure that members of the public and other organisations/bodies with an interest in a particular application are not placed at a disadvantage, the Authority will accept and report observations received up until 12.00pm on the day before Committee. These comments are circulated in the form of a late report to Committee members on the evening before Committee by Email and are presented in hard copy form at the actual meeting.


Archived committee reports are available for inspection at the Scrutiny and Committee Services Section at the Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry.