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Where works are undertaken without the necessary consent the Council has powers to take action.


The breaches of planning control the Council deal with include:

  • Erection of buildings, extensions or alterations to buildings
  • The material change of use of land or buildings
  • The breach of a condition imposed on a planning permission
  • The failure to comply with plans approved as part of a planning permission
  • Advertisements
  • Works to or removal of a Hedgerow or a Protected Tree


If you would like to view current or historic enforcement cases in the Vale of Glamorgan you can do so on the


Planning Enforcement Register


Report a Breach of Planning Control

If you suspect a breach of planning control has taken place please complete the online complaint form. 


In most cases anonymous complaints will not be investigated. Whilst the Council will endeavour to keep your complaint confidential, it may be necessary to disclose it if the matter reaches an appeal or a request is made under the Freedom of Information Legislation. 


How we deal with Enforcement Complaints 


Planning Enforcement ~ A Guide for the Public 

  • The Council will endeavour to acknowledge complaints made in writing, via the online form or by e-mail within 5 working days.

  • Written complaints to be investigated according to the priority allocated to the complaint: Priority 1 within 1 to 5 working Days, Priority 2 within 5 to 15 working days and Priority 3 within 28 working days.

  • Assessment of the severity of the breach within 28 days.

  • Advising complainants of the resolution of a case within 28 days of that resolution.



For more information about planning enforcement powers see Welsh Government's Development Management Manual