Technical Approval
The Vale of Glamorgan Council requires that all proposed structures within the highway boundary or which support the public highway are subject to consideration for Technical Approval.
This may include structures proposed for adoption or others associated with private developments.
The objectives of the Technical Approval procedures are to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that highway structures are safe and serviceable in use and fit for their intended function, and that non-highway structures do not obstruct the highway or endanger its users.
Vale of Glamorgan Council Technical Approval procedures are detailed in BD2 (Technical Approval of Highway Structures), which relates to the issues contained in this information.
Technical Approval entails a review of the designer’s proposals by a Technical Approval Authority (TAA) and might include certification by a designer and an independent checker, in addition to provision of ‘as-built’ information, with a construction compliance certificate.
The Council’s TAA is the Director of Environmental and Economic Regeneration (the officer acting with delegated powers is Group Engineer Highway Structures and Engineering Projects)
Operation of the Technical Approval procedures - All consultation shall be between the designer and the Group Engineer Highway Structures and Engineering Projects at The Alps, Wenvoe, Cardiff. CF5 6AA Tel. No. 02920673105.
Approval in Principle (AIP) - The AIP submission shall be a record of all matters agreed at the proposals stage. This shall generally include the Technical Approval Schedule (TAS), location plan, general arrangement drawing, relevant parts of the geo-technical report, documents relating to consultation and any other relevant information. It shall be forwarded to the Group Engineer Highway Structures and Engineering Projects.
Design and Check Certificate - Design and Check Certificates along with Construction Compliance Certificate shall be signed to declare satisfactory completion of the work and forwarded to the Group Engineer Highway Structures and Engineering Projects.
These certificates shall refer to the relevant AIP and date of agreement of the AIP. Calculations shall not be submitted.
Technical Approval - This shall entail the acceptance of the Design and Check Certificate(s) and drawings etc. by the TAA. Signed, accepted certificates will be copied and returned to the designer.
Construction Compliance Certificate - Construction Compliance Certificates are required for all structures proposed for adoption.
Structural Approval for Building Control - The Highway Structures and Engineering Projects Group reviews structural calculations related to Planning Applications submitted to verify their impact on the adopted highway.