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Access Protection - H-bar Markings

Access protection (H-bar) markings consist of a single white line with end bar markings installed across the access to be protected.


Although the markings do not create an offence or need a legal order, they have proved successful in most locations, reducing problems of obstruction by making motorists aware of the presence of a driveway, entrance or dropped kerb.


Request for a H-Bar Marking

If you wish to apply for a marking to be laid then the full cost of £427 will apply.


If you are a disabled blue badge holder then the marking can be installed for free (subject to available funding). Once your request has been investigated and approved, you will be contacted to arrange payment (or proof of blue badge) for the installation of the marking to take place.


Please send requests to:


Vale of Glamorgan Council,

The Alps Depot,

Quarry Road




Please Note: South Wales Police are responsible for dealing with vehicles causing obstruction to driveway entrances, blocking access or egress and these instances can be referred to the police to be enforced. To report any offences please contact the Police via 101 or let your local PCSO know.