Cost of Living Support Icon


Please remember that these fees are in addition to the fees charged by the Approved Venue or Registered Building.


We are happy to make a provisional booking for those couples who wish to plan well in advance, on the understanding that they must give legal notice at the correct time.



Statutory Notice Fee: The notice fee (£42 each) is paid at the time of giving notice and can be paid by cash or debit/credit card only. This fee is non-refundable.


Ceremony/ Registration Fee:  The latest a fee can be paid is 2 months before the ceremony/registration and can be paid by cash, debit/credit card or cheque.


Certificate Fee: £12.50 each.


 Change to Ceremony/Registration Booking Details - Administration Fee: £25.00


Fees and charges
Marriage Ceremony or Civil Partnership Registration (in the Civic Offices, Barry) Capacity Availability Fees and charges

Statutory Ceremony or Registration in Vale of Glamorgan Register Office

8 (couple, 2 witnesses, 2 registrars, 2 guests) 

Monday to Thursday (from 09.00 – 16.00) 


Enhanced Ceremony in Vale of Glamorgan Suite

Maximum 75 (including couple, 2 witnesses, 2 Registrars)

Monday to Thursday (from 09.00 – 18.00) 



Friday (from 09.00 - 18.00







Enhanced Ceremony in Vale of Glamorgan Suite

Maximum 75 (including couple, 2 witnesses, 2 Registrars) 

 Saturday (up to 10.00)






Registered Building (Only where a Registrar is required to attend)

£104 for the attendance of a Registrar.


For more information please visit


Approved Premises


For the attendance of Registrars:


Ceremonies 1st April 2024 - 31st March 2025 - £540*


Ceremonies 1st April 2025 - 31st March 2026 - £580*


Ceremonies 1st April 2026 - 31st March 2027 - £620*


* of which £100.00 Non Refundable Booking fee