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Uniformed enforcement officers patrol in the Vale of Glamorgan as measures to tackle waste management offences, highways offences, byelaws and public space protection orders (PSPO's).


Enforcement officers patrol the Vale and have legal powers to stop anyone they see committing an environmental crime including littering, dog fouling or graffiti. Covert operations and investigations are also carried out to tackle fly-tipping.


Business owners who fail to ensure rubbish is disposed of correctly, by leaving bags of waste on streets or allowing commercial bins to overflow, could be issued a fixed penalty notice of up to £300.


Report an Issue 

You can report cases of littering, dog fouling, fly tipping or graffiti via our online forms:

Pay a Fixed Penalty Notice (Environmental Offence)

FPNs can be paid for over the phone by calling:

  • 01446 700111


To pay by post, please make a cheque or postal order payable to the 'Vale of Glamorgan Council'. The notice must be sent along with a cheque or postal order payment to:


Vale of Glamorgan Council - Enforcement

Alps Depot 




Fixed penalty reference number must be included. 


Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)

Any illegally or irresponsibly parked vehicles will be given a parking ticket known as a PCN.


PCNs are only given out where vehicles are parked in contravention to the parking restrictions. Our PCNs are administered by the Wales Penalty Processing Partnership (WPPP) based in North Wales. 


Penalty Charge Notice


  • What if someone refuses to give their name?
  •  What if I don’t pay?
  • Is the Council using this as an income generator?   


  • Are these new Enforcement Officers paid incentives / commission for issuing penalty?
  • What's the difference between Parking (PCN) and an Environmental (FPN) fine?