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Supporting People Planning and Liaison Groups



Supporting People Liaison Group

You can find more information below about the Supporting People Liaison Group (SPLG), including copies of meeting agendas and minutes.


The chair person of the SPLG is rotated every meeting between Supporting People service providers in the Vale.


Meeting Minutes


27th March 2012: Chairperson - Janice Bell, Taff Housing Association


13th December 2011: Chairperson - Pam Toms, Strategy and Supporting People Manager


20th September 2011: Chairperson - Pam Toms, Strategy and Supporting People Manager


23rd June 2011: Chairperson - Sarah O'Keefe from Wales and West Housing Association

15th March 2011: Chairperson - Paul Baker, Gwalia Care and Support 


16th December 2010: Chairperson - Kathy Belle from Pen Yr Enfys


Previous minutes: