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Supporting People Cefnogi Pobl

Information for Service Providers

Useful information and links for providers of housing related support services in the Vale of Glamorgan



Information for Support Providers

Friendly AdvantAGE Befriending Projects

This exciting new project, will offer a range of befriending services to reduce loneliness and isolation and improve the wellbeing of people aged 50+ in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. To make a referral, enquire about volunteering or if you’d like further information about the project please contact Sandra Roberts, Friendly AdvantAGE Project Manager or Cath Haines, Project Assistant at Vale Centre for Voluntary Services.




Nest Programme

Nest is a Welsh Government programme designed to help people that are finding it difficult to pay their energy bills. The scheme offers householders a range of free home improvements to help them heat their homes more efficiently and stay warm without facing huge energy bills.


To obtain Nest energy improvement work you must be receiving a means tested benefit, your property must have an energy efficiency rating of F or G and be privately owned or privately rented.


Nest is the Welsh Assembly Government’s New Fuel Poverty Scheme and British Gas is the delivery partner for the scheme. Further information: