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Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS)  

One of the key aims of the Welsh Government is to ensure that all the people of Wales, including social housing tenants, have the opportunity to live in good quality homes, in safe and secure communities.


To ensure that all homes are brought up to an acceptable level, The Welsh Government has drawn up a document, the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS).


View more information on the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) on the Welsh Government website.


This is a standard for the quality and condition of properties which lists a number of targets which all homes will need to meet.

  • In a good state of repair
  • Safe and secure
  • Adequately heated, fuel efficient and well insulated
  • Equipped with up-to-date kitchens and bathrooms
  • Located in safe and attractive environments
  • Well managed


Local Authorities in Wales have had until 2020 to ensure that all their social housing achieves the standard. Because the council achieved the standard in 2018, improvement works continue to be carried out on all homes to maintain this standard.


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Newly rendered flats


 WHQS newly rendered flats exterior


  • WHQS is currently being reviewed and will be named WHQS2023. What will the new standard include?

  • How is the Vale of Glamorgan Council Housing and Building Services going to maintain the stock after WHQS?

  • How is the work being funded?

  • What improvements will happen to my property if identified in the WHQS maintenance programme?

  • When will the work be carried out to my property?

  • Who is carrying out the major works? 

  • Will the work involve disruption to my home and is there any help and advice available? 

  • How is the Vale of Glamorgan Housing Service monitoring the quality of the work being carried out?

  • What are ‘Community Benefit’ Schemes?


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