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Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS)

From 07 January 2019, all new and significant developments will have to implement some kind of sustainable drainage system (SuDS) as part of its design and build.

These SuDS must be designed and built in accordance with standards published by Welsh Government and approved by the local authority acting in its role as a SuDS approval body (SAB). The SAB will then have the duty to adopt any compliant systems; serving multiple properties.


Contact Us

For general enquiries please contact:




  • 02920 673 011

 If you have a specific enquiry about a case, please contact the case officer directly but copy in to all emails.


Why have these regulations come into force?

Welsh Government has been looking to move away from traditional drainage solutions for some time as these techniques are designed to remove water away from developed areas with no regard for the drainage regime downstream or the quality of the water. What SuDS aim to do is mimic the natural drainage patterns of the area, which reduce the chance of flooding and pollution on the surrounding water bodies.


Schedule 3 of the  Flood and Water Management Act (FWMA) 2010 is the legislation that is driving the introduction of SuDS throughout Wales. All new developments will have to have approved surface water drainage systems on developments of 2 or more properties or that have a construction area of over 100m2 


SuDS - Welsh Government




If you would like more information about this process, please contact the SAB team:



SuDS application fee calculator


SAB Pre-Application Service

To ensure drainage proposals are in line with Welsh Government’s Statutory Standards it is encouraged that pre-application discussions are held in advance of a full application being submitted. This discretionary service is offered to discuss the drainage requirements of your development, whilst also specifying details that will need to be submitted to support a full application.

To gain benefit from this pre-application service it is advised to provide as much technical information as possible to enable a considered response and to facilitate further discussion.

Supporting key information that would be beneficial to a productive pre-application includes:

  • Assessment of flood risk from all sources

  • Details of natural overland flow routes

  • Details of ground conditions / site investigations

  • Details of site topography

  • Details of existing watercourses and site boundaries


    Drainage catchment plan for both existing and proposed development.

  • Details of sensitive environments and their ability to be affected by the development

  • National Standards principles and compliance assessment


Associated fees relating to this discretionary service can be found in the attached document.  

We will provide these discretionary services within 60 days of submission of the relevant documentation and appropriate fee. Full fees are to be paid upfront and are non-refundable. VAT will be charged on discretionary services.


  • Commuted Sums