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Information for Referrers

As of the 31st October 2024 we will no longer be accepting paper or emailed copies of referrals. 

If you have any issues please contact us at


There is a dedicated portal that allows practices and health professionals to refer patients to the National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERS).  This portal is called Theseus.  It is safe and secure and using this method, data is directly transferred to the NERS Database.  More information can be found within the link below.


NHS Wales National Exercise Referral Scheme


There is currently a short wait time between referral and assessment with one of our instructors.  This wait time is approximately 8 weeks.  This is due to the number of referrals we are receiving and the intake space we have in the Vale of Glamorgan.  NERS in the Vale is now a paperless service and will contact patients via text message or email.  


We have a timetable of classes available on these pages and we try to update the timetables as often as possible to ensure accurate information for those people who are referred. 


The scheme is low cost.  Each session will cost participants £2.50. The scheme lasts between 4-32 weeks depending on the condition the individual is referred to the scheme for and their progress whilst exercising.