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Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP)

The Vale of Glamorgan’s Rights of Way Improvement Plan sets out the Council’s vision, objectives and strategy for improving the County’s rights of way network.


The ROWIP is intended as an over-arching framework to guide the Council’s work to maintain and improve the rights of way network and to prioritise the work that is done, and provides the basis for annual work-planning.

Draft Rights of Way Improvement Plan (draft ROWIP) - Consultation


The Vale of Glamorgan Council’s draft ROWIP outlines the strategies that will form the basis for management of the Vale of Glamorgan’s rights of way network for the next 10 years, allowing us to prioritise work and focus our resources. This will become a statutory document in its final form in 2024.


This document is based upon information gathered through consultation. The document has been produced with the support and guidance of Natural Resources Wales and the Welsh Government.


Copies are also available from reception at the Civic Office, Holton Road, Barry and local libraries.  


Draft Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2024-2034           


This document is available in English and Welsh - Mae’r ddogfen hon ar gael yn Gymraeg a Saesneg


Comments are welcomed by email ( ) or post by 30th November 2023.


Current ROWIP

The current ROWIP was agreed in 2007 and resulted in a Vision for the Vale’s public rights of way network:

“To provide, maintain and improve the network of

Public Rights of Way and countryside access for everyone"


"To enable and encourage increasingly convenient and responsible

use and enjoyment of the Vale's countryside and coast”.

ROWIP Front cover EnglishThis is underlain by six key principles:

  1. Access for all
  2. Management strategy
  3. Sustainable improvements
  4. Better information
  5. Improved network of routes
  6. Wider context

ROWIP Republication

The Council are required to republish the ROWIP every 10 years and are currently in the process of undertaking this task. The Council have recently consulted widely and reviewed existing documents and processes to make an assessment of:

  • The physical condition of the network

  • The accuracy and currency of the legal records of PRoW

  • The provision of information about PRoW and their management


The findings of these assessments will inform a draft ROWIP that will be made available for consultation in due course.