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Online Catalogue

Check our online catalogue for the book you're interested in


If you've joined the library you can also use your library card number and PIN number from home to view information about your current loans, change your details, renew your items, request new items, reserve items and review titles you have previously searched for or borrowed.


If you do not have a PIN, please visit a library and ask staff to provide you with one.

search the catalogue


  •  How do I change my PIN?

     - Go to the libraries web page.

     - On the Libraries webpage click on Online catalogue.

     - Click on log in in the menu at the top of the screen

     - Enter your Library card number and your PIN.

     - Click Log In.

     - Your name should now appear at the top of the screen.

     - Click on My Account in the menu at the top of the screen.

     - Click on Change PIN.

     - Enter your old pin number and your new pin number.

     - Click Update.

     - Click Log Off if you have finished.