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Multicultural Services

There are a number of different resources available in different languages in the Vale.


Barry Library

Barry Library holds a collection of fiction available for loan in the following languages: Bengali, Bulgarian, Chinese, Chinese Mandarin, Gujarat, Hindu, Lithuanian, Polish (and children's), Spanish children's, Turkish, Urdu.


There are a number of other resources available at Barry Library:

  • Quick Reads and free Quick Reads with CDs, for those learning English
  • Talking books for adults available for £1.00 for three weeks and free to children
  • Children's story books with the text both in English and another language. Number of languages available.
  • Free language tapes and CDs
  • Free use of the community rooms at Barry Library for community groups
  • DVDs for hire for a small charge 


First Steps

First steps is an online course for those new to the computer which includes an option to view the modules in Arabic, Bengali, Polish, Somali and Urdu whilst listening to the English speech. You can use our free internet PCs to find more information online.


Whilst the NHS Sheffield Library Service provides health information in languages other than English.


First Steps 


Welcome to Wales Packs for Migrant Workers

The Welsh Government provide Understanding Wales packs that have a wealth of information about living and working in Wales. The aim is to ensure that migrant workers who come to this country are fully aware of their rights and responsibilities, and to help them fit in with the local community.


Understanding Wales


Online Newspapers and Magazines

Online access to newspapers and magazines available in a number of languages.


Online Newspapers and Magazines