International Fraud Awareness Week

Every November, hundreds of organisations around the world pledge to increase fraud awareness in their workplaces and communities.

Fraud week banner

To support this, the Vale of Glamorgan will be advising on key areas that impact our current fraud environment.

Here in the Vale, the council continues to develop an anti-fraud culture which reinforces a zero tolerance of fraud, corruption, and theft, actively engaging with all those in our borough who have a responsibility in the combating of fraud, corruption, and theft against the Council e.g., Council employees, Council members, suppliers, contractors, and residents of the Vale.

The Council will deliver the highest standards of honesty, Integrity, and accountability, to protect public funds and will actively seek to deter and prevent fraud, corruption and theft and ensure that all possible risks are minimised.  

As part of the National Fraud Initiative, The Vale of Glamorgan Council participate in a computerised data-matching exercise with the office of the Auditor General for Wales.

Computerised data-matching involves comparing personal information held by different organisations. Where matches are found, it can indicate an inconsistency which requires further investigation, and can reveal instances where claims and payments may have been made either fraudulently or in error.

The council will provide specific data to the Auditor General which will be used under the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004.

While it is not necessary to obtain the consent of any individuals concerned under the terms of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the data-matching will be carried out in full accordance with an appropriate code of practice.

Further information about this initiative can be found here.