Menopause Awareness Session to take place on August 25

The next Menopause Awareness Session will be held on Thursday, 25 August from 10 - 11am in the Corporate Suite, Civic Offices.

We have recently introduced Menopause at Work Guidelines, recognising that the menopause should not be hidden or taboo and that all staff should be able to talk openly and about this natural life event.

Vale of Glamorgan Council Menopause at Work Procedures

The sessions are inclusive and all staff including male and younger colleagues are welcome to attend. We want as many colleagues as possible to expand their knowledge on this life event that all women experience, which can impact on their physical, psychological and emotional health and wellbeing both at home and in the workplace.

If you interested in coming along, please contact Occupational Health to book a place.

  • 01446 709121

