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08 January 2020

Dear Colleagues,

In my first message of 2021 I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I hope you are all well and had some time to relax over the Christmas period. Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i bawb.

At the beginning of the new year, we find ourselves in a very challenging position and there remains no room for complacency. Rates of Covid-19 are still very high in the Vale of Glamorgan. The rate of new cases in the Vale of Glamorgan is 534.5 per 100k of the population over the past 7 days. This rate now puts the Vale above neighbouring Cardiff. 

The pressures on the health service as a result of coronavirus are now acute. Hospital admissions for Covid-19 in Cardiff and the Vale are currently stable but very high, with daily admissions 50% above the peak seen in the first wave. Covid-19 bed occupancy rates are 66% higher than the peak of the first wave. The new variant of the virus is adding to these pressures as it is easier for it to be transmitted between people. Now more than ever it is vital that we all follow the rules and guidance – regularly washing our hands, maintaining social distance and wearing a face covering when inside public spaces. Wales is currently in Level 4 of restrictions – the highest alert level. We must stay at home as much as possible to keep ourselves and others safe. 

It is encouraging that this week has seen the first use of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine in the Vale. While it may be premature to say this is the beginning of the end, it certainly marks a major milestone in our recovery from the pandemic. 

Our colleagues in the health service are working very hard to roll out the vaccine to people in the priority groups in Wales as quickly as possible. We are supporting them to do this. By the end of January, all of our frontline social care colleagues will have received the first dose of the vaccine.

In the coming weeks, the vaccine programme will rapidly gather pace in the Vale with the opening of the mass vaccination centre in Barry and with GPs and others beginning to offer the vaccine to priority groups. People will be contacted when they are eligible for the vaccine and I will keep you updated as this develops. 

I was pleased to read this week an email from one of our care providers, thanking the Outbreak Team for their excellent support. The Outbreak Team is a partnership bringing our Social Services, Shared Regulatory Services and health colleagues together to support settings where there are outbreaks of coronavirus:

‘This is just a very brief note to say how fantastic the support from all the Outbreak Team has been over the last few days (and will no doubt continue to be). I know we have a very long way to go but just wanted to record that to you – as I said in one of the meetings, we know how lucky we are to be in the Vale as we face this very traumatic and challenging situation. They have all been so supportive; the system works and I know the support will be there for us in the difficult times ahead.’

It is examples like this that give us as a Senior Leadership Team the confidence that together we can pull through the most challenging of times.

The coming year will again initially be dominated by coronavirus. However, we are also making plans for how we emerge from the pandemic as a stronger organisation which can tackle the challenges that face us. We have seen that Team Vale can do this over the course of the last year and I want us to apply the same approach in all aspects of our work.

We have recently finished consulting with you, the public and our partners on next year’s Annual Delivery Plan and our budget priorities. These will play a big role in shaping how the Vale recovers and moves forward from the pandemic. I am looking forward to us making progress on the wide range of important issues for our residents.

In the coming months we will continue our work on tackling climate change, supporting our vulnerable residents at home and in our care, progressing our 21st Century Schools programme, new recycling arrangements, tackling homelessness, how we use technology and improving our open spaces and destinations. It is now time to move the Vale forward, and to move our organisation forward.

We all have a role to play within team Vale – and in 2021 we will have the opportunity to shape the kind of organisation we want to work for. I am looking forward to seeing the work of our LGBT network, GLAM, continue and also to seeing the launch of our BAME network. The Your Wellbeing / Eich Iechyd initiative will continue and our Engagement and Innovation Forum are also currently working on a new Culture Book to revitalise the Staff Charter and set the vision for how we involve, engage and consult with all Vale colleagues. 

Together we can continue to build on our excellent track record and achieve our collective goals for 2021 and prove why TeamVale is the best team in Wales.

Please continue to take care of yourselves and each other. Stay home and stay safe. 

Diolch yn fawr,
