Wellbeing Jigsaw PiecesLooking after your Wellbeing this New Year

The Your Wellbeing / Eich Iechyd initiative was launched late in 2020 with the aim of providing staff with support for their wellbeing during the Coronavirus pandemic 

07 January 2021

Starting the new year in lockdown is a daunting prospect for many and the wellbeing champions are keen to ensure staff are supported with their wellbeing at the most challenging times during this ongoing pandemic. The below activities are available for staff to take part in this January. Some sessions have been arranged later in the day to accommodate staff who cannot take time out for their wellbeing during the day.

During the Mindfulness sessions you will learn how to integrate Mindfulness not only at work but into your leisure time and home life as well. You will begin to notice how distracted your mind is and see how this leads to stress, fear and anxiety. 

Please note that you will be able to book an 8-week block of these sessions so you receive a weekly reminder, or you can sign up for individual sessions based on your availability (the first 4 weeks are available to book now). 

Don't forget to keep an eye on the Your Wellbeing / Eich Iechyd pages for more information.