Property fight the pandemic
The Property Section has been working hard on one of the Council’s key recovery workstreams - Workplace Social Distancing Recovery Co-ordination.
Thursday 28 May, 2020
A safe system of return to work, at the appropriate time, will be required and will involve appropriate arrangements for social distancing.
The Property team have been working on specific actions required to ensure that the Welsh Government requirements for social distancing are adhered to in our main office accommodation and have been reporting progress to CMT-Gold regularly.
The Architectural Team have been very busy preparing social distancing floor plans for our corporate office accommodation.
The plans have been drawn up using 2m social distancing for not just desk occupation, but also circulation space around desks (to avoid any un-necessary close contact within that distance).
The Property Team have also assisted colleagues in Libraries, Social Services and Economic Development by preparing social distancing plans and guidance reports for other key service accommodation.
Colleagues who have been to one of our main office buildings recently would have noticed a number of new COVID-19 related signs appearing at entrance doorways, in corridors, on toilet doors, in kitchens, on staircases, in lifts etc.
A huge amount of laminating and sticking has gone on over the last few weeks to ensure that the signage is up and ready for the re-occupation of our buildings at the appropriate time.
In addition, where required, certain corridors have been marked out with tape to show 2m distance. The signage and tape aims to remind staff to ensure they keep 2m social distance in the workplace at all times and to ensure hands are washed/sanitised regularly in line with current guidance. These actions are intended to complement the social distancing floor plans provided.
Further work on reception areas will continue to evolve as service recovery plans are developed and we have a clear picture of service area requirements going forward.
In addition to the work being done on the recovery workstream, the Property Section have also assisted with:
- PPE distribution;
- the delivery of 18 Tablets to Care homes across the Vale (kindly donated by Admiral); and
- have even played the part of the Easter Bunny this year by ensuring that the children in our Hostels received Easter Eggs, again donated by Admiral.
Three members of the Property Team are currently redeployed to vital services (Mark Biernacki to Waste Collection, Penny Fuller to the Benefits Team and Jennnifer Green to the Crisis Support team).
Lorna Cross, Operational Manager in Property, wanted to give her team the recognition they deserve for their continued hard work under immense pressure.
"I am incredibly proud of all of the team. Everyone has shown their commitment to the Council through their hard work and dedication to keeping our staff as safe as possible when they return to work. Well done everyone."
Rob Thomas, Managing Director, also wanted to thank Lorna and her team for all of their hard work over the past few weeks.
"I think the property section deserve to be recognised as Rainbow Heroes. Sometimes our back office staff can be overlooked in situations like this, where frontline services are at the forefront of people's minds. In my opinion, all of our staff deserve recognition for their tenacity and commitment to delivering services, whether they be frontline or supportive roles.
"I have seen the work that's taken place in our offices for myself and I'm sure staff, when they return to work, will see a difference and appreciate that their safety has been the reason for these changes. Da iawn pawb a diolch yn fawr."