Booking of Desk Spaces, Meeting Rooms and Ventilation
The use of desks and individual office spaces and meeting rooms should be discussed between team members and managers and care should be taken that any space is used appropriately having regard to the need to maintain social distancing.
Line managers will need to use their discretion as to how desk spaces and office spaces are allocated and whether the use of larger meeting areas would be more appropriate when bringing teams together. For example, if an entire team wishes to meet to discuss challenges, performance or other specific work related issues, it may be appropriate for teams to meet in a setting that is away from their usual workplace in order for all to be accommodated safely.
Individual office spaces have previously been assessed for the number of people who can be accommodated safely at any one time. Colleagues should continue to have regard to these numbers as a guide and taking into account the advice below and the advice relating to hygiene and social distancing.
A risk assessment has been in place for office accommodation throughout the pandemic and this will now be further updated to reflect the current position.
- Desks should be cleaned thoroughly by each user with an appropriate strength viricidal cleaning solution or alternatively sanitiser wipes provided at the start and end of each usage, whether this be a day or part day.
- Viricidal cleaning solution, disposable cloths and wipes will be available within office spaces for all desk users.
- Desks should be kept clear of all equipment (except for monitors if required, providing touch points are cleaned) to assist with standards of cleanliness.
- Hot desking throughout the day should be avoided during this interim period as the number of people needing to use offices should not require desks to be used in this way. However, cautious sharing of desks will be permitted under the following circumstances:
- There is no alternative accommodation reasonably available to allow desks to be used individually.
- Desks are not shared too frequently (no more than 2 people per day) Managers are responsible for implementing a traceable rota system for desk occupation.
- The use of desk fans should also be avoided during this period.
- If photocopiers are to be used these should be wiped prior to using and after use with the sanitiser wipes provided.
- All rooms should be well ventilated with windows and doors open, wherever possible for uninterrupted flow of air.