Guidance for office working 

This guidance is for managers of teams and staff who may be required to work from the office 

The Welsh Government guidance is to work from home wherever possible and this remains the position for the Council. However, it is acknowledged that certain departments may need to return to the workplace either on a permanent or rotation basis for specific operational or performance needs. There will also be cases where it is important for an employee’s wellbeing to work from the office, or where there is a clear business need for face to face meetings to take place. All these factors need to be considered as we continue to function over the next few months.

In these circumstances it is reasonable for colleagues currently working from home to work from one of our office locations as long as this is done in a Covid safe way and this is at a line manager’s discretion.

Stay Safe in the Office - Infographic

06864 - Surface WipeBooking of Desk Spaces, Meeting Rooms and Ventilation 

The use of desks and individual office spaces and meeting rooms should be discussed between team members and managers and care should be taken that any space is used appropriately having regard to the need to maintain social distancing. 

Line managers will need to use their discretion as to how desk spaces and office spaces are allocated and whether the use of larger meeting areas would be more appropriate when bringing teams together. For example, if an entire team wishes to meet to discuss challenges, performance or other specific work related issues, it may be appropriate for teams to meet in a setting that is away from their usual workplace in order for all to be accommodated safely.

Individual office spaces have previously been assessed for the number of people who can be accommodated safely at any one time. Colleagues should continue to have regard to these numbers as a guide and taking into account the advice below and the advice relating to hygiene and social distancing.   

A risk assessment has been in place for office accommodation throughout the pandemic and this will now be further updated to reflect the current position.     

  • Desks should be cleaned thoroughly by each user with an appropriate strength viricidal cleaning solution or alternatively sanitiser wipes provided at the start and end of each usage, whether this be a day or part day.
  • Viricidal cleaning solution, disposable cloths and wipes will be available within office spaces for all desk users.
  • Desks should be kept clear of all equipment (except for monitors if required, providing touch points are cleaned) to assist with standards of cleanliness.
  • Hot desking throughout the day should be avoided during this interim period as the number of people needing to use offices should not require desks to be used in this way. However, cautious sharing of desks will be permitted under the following circumstances:
    • There is no alternative accommodation reasonably available to allow desks to be used individually.
    • Desks are not shared too frequently (no more than 2 people per day) Managers are responsible for implementing a traceable rota system for desk occupation.
  • The use of desk fans should also be avoided during this period.
  • If photocopiers are to be used these should be wiped prior to using and after use with the sanitiser wipes provided.
  • All rooms should be well ventilated with windows and doors open, wherever possible for uninterrupted flow of air.

06864 - Social DistanceSocial Distancing/Recording of Attendance

When attending the workplace, it is important that 2m social distancing is maintained whilst in the workplace. This will need to be at the forefront of line managers thoughts when bringing whole teams together as there may be a need to seek out larger meeting rooms.

  • Staff members and line managers should keep a record of attendance in offices and other workplaces at any particular time.

  • Face masks/coverings must be worn in all communal areas (including corridors, washroom spaces and kitchens etc.) and when moving around buildings and within offices where social distancing cannot be maintained. This applies to all Council buildings.

  • Whilst sitting at a desk/workstation, masks/face coverings can be removed, provided social distancing can be maintained.  

06864 - Hand WashSanitising and handwashing

It is important that desks/workstations are wiped down regularly and as a minimum at the start and end of each day or each particular session by team members in the workplace using the wipes or cleaning solution and cloths supplied.

  • Staff members are encouraged to wash and sanitise hands regularly, whilst preparing food and attending washroom facilities. Washroom facilities are supplied with hand wash and paper towels which should be used instead of hand driers.

  • Staff members are asked to take precautions when making refreshments - it is advised they only make tea/coffee/drinks for themselves and be aware of increased touch points in these areas. It is advised to wipe down equipment such as kettle and door handles in the kitchen areas. This can be done with wipes that will be provided.

  • Hands should also be washed/sanitised on entry and exit to the building.

ID Badges and Security

318 Security Pass Icon

Please check your current ID badge is correct and in date as a number of badges were due to expire in 2020. If out of date, please complete the renewal form urgently.

When attending the office, please ensure:

  • you wear your ID badge at all times;
  • be aware of tailgating as this is not permitted, those without a badge should not be given access and referred to reception;
  • familiarise yourself with the Council’s Access and Egress – Corporate Protocol 

If any staff members have left employment (employee or agency) with the Council, managers must ensure that they:

  • return the ID badge and lanyard to HR Employee Services, Civic Offices.
  • complete the leavers form to terminate access to buildings and ICT systems. This form should be completed in addition to a VOG04. 

Lateral flow testLateral Flow Tests

With the exception of our social care and schools teams who participate in regular testing, colleagues are not required to take a Covid-19 test before visiting one of our buildings. However, all colleagues can do so if they wish.

Lateral flow tests can be collected from the following sites, or a staff member can request postal lateral flow tests on the link below.

Locations to collect a lateral flow test:

  • Colcot Sports Centre Car Park, CF62 8UJ
  • County Hall Car Park, CF10 4UW
  • End of Museum Road, CF10 3AX

Site to order a postal lateral flow test:

131 Devices IconCommunication

It is appreciated that this guidance is not definitive and does provide for a degree of interpretation. This is unavoidable because of the challenging circumstances within which we are operating and because we are a hugely varied organisation in terms of the services we deliver.  It is important that we all continue to communicate with our team members and other colleagues on how things are working.  This includes talking about and sharing ideas, opportunities for bringing teams together safely and any difficulties being encountered.

Civic OutlineCivic Offices

Staff are reminded to avoid accessing and exiting the building via the front reception area to avoid potential close contact with visitors to reception.  Staff should continue to use the basement access wherever possible.