Claim what's yours

With the rising cost of living extra help with expenses is becoming more important than ever. Many people are unaware they may be entitled to benefits that could offer them the support they need.

Check your benefits entitlement

You can use our online benefits calculator to find out what benefits you can get. Do not assume that you won't be entitled to anything.

You will need information about savings, income, pension, childcare payments and any existing benefits (for you and your partner).


Council Tax Reduction

If you're on a low income, you may be able to get a Council Tax Reduction. Find out if you are entitled to a reduction on your council tax bill:

Council Tax Reduction

Housing Benefit

If you’re on a low income, you may be able to get help with your rent. Find out if you are eligible to claim Housing Benefit:

Housing Benefit


Disability benefits

Working doesn’t stop entitlement to disability benefit Personal Independence Payments.

If you have a disability or impairment which affects how you live your life, you may be entitled to additional support. Just having a disability doesn’t automatically mean you’re entitled but if your condition has a significant impact on your ability to do things that other people do, then you can make a claim for this.

You should also consider making claims for other people within your household who have disabilities, for example a non-working partner (they can still get this benefit even if you are working).

You can also claim Disability Living Allowance for your children and pensioners living with you can claim Attendance Allowance. 


Tax Relief

There are tax reliefs and allowances available, some of which can be backdated up to 5 years or when you began employment. These include:

  • Married Couples Allowance

  • Laundry Allowance

  • Specialist Clothing and Tools Allowance

  • Working From Home