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Staff Survey 2022

The Staff Survey will run from 30 June to 12 August 2022.

Have your say

It is open to all Vale of Glamorgan Council staff, whether you work in a frontline role, in an office or at home, or in one of our schools. The survey is the latest opportunity for staff to have their say in shaping how the Council will work in the future. 

In 2020 and 2021 the Council undertook staff wellbeing surveys. This was to help understand the impact of the pandemic and the changes to all of our work on staff.This year’s survey again includes questions on staff well being.

Some of these are the same as asked previously to help measure what has worked and to identify those areas where we could still do better.

The survey covers:

  • Health and wellbeing
  • Senior leadership
  • Line manager support
  • Communication
  • Working conditions

Complete the Staff Survey 2022 now

Why take part?

All staff are encouraged to complete the survey. The more feedback that is received, the better decisions we can take as an organisation in the future. It will also help inform our future staff engagement activities. Although the survey will ask for your service area and some equalities monitoring questions, all responses are anonymous.

Complete the Staff Survey 2022 now

The survey can be completed on any laptop or mobile phone with an internet connection.

Colleagues without access to corporate devices will be able to scan QR codes at various locations in the Vale. A drop-in session will also be held at the Alps Depot. 

If you have questions regarding the survey, please speak to your line manager in the first instance, or email staffsurvey@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk.

Eich Iechyd