Robs Weekly Round Up

10 May 2024

Dear colleagues,

I’d like to start this week where I left of last with a huge thank you to all of the staff who supported last week’s election, both on polling day on Thursday and at the count on Friday.

Both ran very smoothly. More than 22,000 votes were cast across the Vale and thanks to the new system put in place by our Electoral Services team these were verified and counted faster than ever. Having been involved in some marathon counts myself in the past. I think I can speak on behalf of all the staff about what a pleasure the new system was to work in.

Polling StationWhile they are led by Electoral Services – and a huge thanks is due to Rachel, Linda, Hayley, Caitlin, Chelsie and Cameron – elections are a real Team Vale effort. Our project team meets for months before polling day to fine tune arrangements. Hundreds of colleagues put themselves forward to work at our polling stations and then at the count. We depend on round the clock support from ICT Services, Building Services, and our Communications team. Also, there are an increasing number of former staff and volunteers from the community that put themselves forward to work.

There are a core team that work for us at every election. Far too many to mention everyone here but I’d like to give say a particular thanks to Mike Bumford and Tom Bowring who play a vital role in planning, coordinating the count totals, and in the case of Mike, also closes the accounts afterwards, Victoria Davidson, who played the role of Deputy Local Returning Officer for this election and Vicci Rowlands who does an excellent job in managing the back-room operation at the count venue. Diolch yn fawr pawb.

I also learned this year that we have a husband and wife team at one of our polling stations who actually first met on election duties twenty years ago and have been together ever since. That’s a whole new level of Team Vale commitment. Happy anniversary (of sorts) to you both. Llongyfarchiadau.

Ysgol Gymraeg Gwaun Y NantOn the same day as the election last week the new Cabinet Secretary for Education Lynne Neagle MS joined the Leader, Lis Burnett, and colleagues from our Learning and Skills team in a visit to Ysgol Gymraeg Gwaun Y Nant in Barry.

The Minister was visiting to see the specialist Additional Learning Needs resource centre that was established at the school using a Welsh Government grant in 2022 and which has made a massive difference in the Welsh language ALN provision available in the Vale.

Rhydian Lloyd, the Headteacher at Gwaun Y Nant, noted during the visit the increase in pupils presenting with ALN, particularly those with autism spectrum condition and significant social communication, interaction, anxiety, and regulation difficulties in recent years.

Improving the provision for some of most vulnerable learners is one of the biggest challenges we face as a local authority but hearing from those delivering the support about the impact it has really brings home its importance.

The team at Gwaun y Nant are doing an excellent job. Seeing our work get national recognition is always pleasing but this is certainly one where the recognition of those pupils and their families really shows the value of this work. Diolch yn fawr iawn i Rhydian a pawb yn Gwaun y Nant.

For the last twelve months our work in this area, as well as many others, has been led by Liz Jones, currently our Head of Additional Learning Needs and Wellbeing. I say currently because in the first of two Strategic Leadership Team appointment updates this week, I am very pleased to be able to share that Liz will shortly take over as Director of Learning and Skills. At both her interviews with me and the elected member panel Liz really impressed with her vision for a way of working guided by a strong moral purpose and a focus on those who most need our support. I know Liz will want to introduce herself and her vision to all colleagues once she starts in her new role at the beginning of July.

Mayor and Deputy MayorWednesday night saw the Council’s Annual General Meeting take place. Councillor Elliot Penn was voted Mayor of the Vale of Glamorgan for the 2024/25 municipal year and Councillor Naomi Marshallsea was elected as Deputy Mayor.

Together they will preside over the principal meetings of the Council and undertake various ceremonial roles on behalf of the Vale. Both will also continue to raise funds for the Mayor's Foundation.

The AGM was Debbie Marles’ last formal meeting with the Vale. As Monitoring Officer Debbie has supported me and the Vale’s Mayor’s in running Full Council meetings and overseen the democratic processes of the authority for the last nine years. I did pay tribute to Debbie on the night and I’d like to reiterate my thanks to Debbie for her 33 years of service to the Council and by wishing her all the best in her future career with Cardiff Council.

Rob Thomas and Debbie MarlesWhich takes me on to my second SLT update; that Victoria Davidson, our current Operational Manager for Legal Services, will succeed Debbie as Head of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer in mid-June. Throughout the selection process Vicky demonstrated her detailed understanding of the Council’s constitution, the legal frameworks in which we operate, the legislative developments that will shape our future, and a track record of supporting colleagues and projects across the organisation to success. Congratulations to Vicky on her appointment. I know she will be a fantastic leader and key member of SLT for a vitally important service.

Finally, this week I’d like to thank all of those behind Operation Elstree which launched for 2024 last week.

OpElstreeDesigned to bring together all the local agencies working to keep the Vale safe this summer, this is one of our best examples of partnership working. The 2023 campaign was a real success and once again the our Community Safety, Enforcement Service, Tourism, and Neighbourhood Services teams will work under the umbrella of the Safer Vale Partnership with South Wales Police, RNLI, the Coastguard, South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, the ARC CCTV Control Room, British Transport Police, Welsh Ambulance Service and Cardiff Council to keep people safe at our beaches, country parks, and resorts this summer.

It is a season long effort that will enable tens of thousands of visitors to enjoy the summer sun. Looking at this weekend’s forecast it has launched at the perfect time!

Thanks as always to you all for your efforts this week. I hope you get to enjoy the long-awaited sunshine this week. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
