Eich Lle - Your Space Bulletin Template

Dear Colleagues, 

As part of a wider project looking at our office accommodation, we are curently undertaking some minor improvement works at the Civic Offices. This work will be taking place between 18 March – 02 April in readiness for colleagues from Contact OneVale, Adult Services Intake and Assessment Team and Cardiff and Vale UHB Daytime Services to relocate from the rear of the leisure centre building to the second floor of the Civic Offices. This move is planned to take place after the Easter bank holiday.  
Colleagues who are directly impacted by the works or moves should have been informed by the Eich Lle project team or their line manager. 

This is the latest phase of the Eich Lle project which has recently seen colleagues from Legal & Democratic Services, Property and Human Resources move within the Civic Offices. Following the relocation of colleagues from the contact centre to the Civic Offices, the project team will turn their attention to the next phase of potential moves. This involves consideration of the future use of the Docks Offices as a business and community incubator, which is part of the Council’s bid to UK Government as part of the Levelling Up scheme. If the funding is approved, proposals to relocate services based at the Docks Office currently will be progressed. Teams who would be affected by these relocations will be engaged with to ensure all requirements are understood and plans developed in collaboration. 

Having recently agreed a budget with a £7.8m savings programme, Eich Lle will be one of the projects that helps us reach our savings target. By reviewing our office accommodation and vacating spaces that are no longer used to their full capacity, or that are particularly costly to run, we can ensure we are being as efficient as possible as an organisation thus reducing costs and our carbon footprint.  
I will keep you regularly updated and write to you again with any further updates or developments as the project progresses. 

If you have any questions, please contact Ian Tomkinson or Dawn Rees in the Eich Lle project team 
Kind regards, 

Lorna Cross 
Operational Manager - Property