Robs Weekly Round Up

12 January 2024

Dear colleagues,

I hope you have been able to enjoy the fine – though pretty chilly – weather we’ve had this week.

I wanted to start this message by providing an important update on our budget-setting process.

As you know, this is a subject the Leader and I have regularly communicated on over the last few months as we feel it’s important staff are kept fully up to date on all developments and progress.

Our last message came just before Christmas when we learned what our funding settlement from Welsh Government would be.

That figure of just under £209 million represents a significant funding cut in real terms when placed in the context of rising costs - in the form of increased energy prices, interest and inflation rates – and the growing demand for some of our most critical services.

It leaves the Council with a significant budget shortfall.

Clearly that presents a major challenge for us all as difficult decisions need to be taken.

But the Welsh Government announcement was not unexpected and is in line with the financial modelling we have been using.

A lot of hard work has been put in by Matt Bowmer, Gemma Jones and the Accountancy team over recent months to overcome this financial obstacle, and that effort will continue as we move towards a meeting of Full Council in March when the final budget will be set.

The next step of the process will see Cabinet consider proposals for £7.8million in savings and income generation proposals alongside an increase in Council Tax of 6.7% on Thursday, measures which are designed to balance the books.

These involve changes to the way some services are delivered and the introduction of charges for others, but also new and innovative ways to create revenue.

This Council has an excellent track record of delivering forward-thinking, creative business models through its reshaping agenda, and that approach will become even more important in the future.

Proposals in the report going to Cabinet include renting business space in the Dock Office as part of ongoing regeneration work linked to plans for Barry Marina.

Another idea is to introduce more small retail concessions to locations throughout the Vale.

More sports and community groups will have the opportunity to gain greater independence by taking over the management of their facilities through an asset transfer agreement, an arrangement that has already proved extremely popular among bowls clubs and other organisations.

We must continue to embrace such exciting business concepts as we aim to deliver services even more effectively and I would ask for help from all colleagues to achieve this.

I know from experience exactly how much this group of staff can achieve in testing circumstances and I’ve no doubt we will rise to the challenge.

After the report is reviewed by Cabinet, it will go before scrutiny committees and be subject to a public consultation. That consultation launches on 18 January and will run for four weeks.

While I’m confident there is cause for optimism as we look to overcome current obstacles and end the year in a stronger position, I fully understand if staff are concerned or unsettled by the changes that are taking place.

Llantwit Food Project team

With that in mind, I would encourage anyone who needs support to contact their manager and have an open and honest conversation.

Part of what gives me optimism for the future is our organisation’s repeated success in finding new ways to support our communities. I am very pleased to be able to share the latest recognition of this with the news that the Llantwit Food Project, which aims to make affordable healthy meals available to everyone in Llantwit Major, won the 2023 Ystadau Cymru Award.

The project is a great example of collaboration. It has been delivered by a variety of partners, including the Council, Food Vale, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Glamorgan Voluntary Services (GVS), Llantwit Major Town Council, Age Connects, Vale Foodbank, FareShare Cymru, Newydd Housing Association, Hafod Housing and Citizens Advice.

The award was given for the project’s use of the CF61 Community Centre in Llantwit to establish the monthly More Than Food Hub where residents can get help not just on food but also housing, personal finance, health and wellbeing, employment, child care and more. The hub runs alongside the GVS FoodShare Pantry, the St Athan Clothes Bank Pop Up and Llantwit Major’s Chatty Café ,creating a friendly, safe space for the community to come together under one roof.

St Athan Food Pantry launch - Foodshare staff 10 January 2023It's a great example of designing services with the community in order to meet their needs and I'm delighted to hear that the project's expansion to St Athan this week was successful. Congratulations to all involved in the success.

Accolades like this are great recognition of the impact of the Council’s work. What is often more powerful though is feedback from the people who use our services. This week I have been passed an absolutely glowing review of our exercise referral team and in particular the work of Craig Nichol, one of the team’s Exercise Referral Professionals.

The team helps those individuals referred to them by their GP to live more healthy and active lifestyles through regular exercise. One of those helped by Craig wrote to thank him and the team for their work, saying: At first I was very anxious about stepping in to a gym and nervous to start exercising as I didn’t want to aggravate my problems but you took the time to listen to my concerns and to devise a programme which would help me…. I have benefited enormously from the scheme and am seeing huge improvements in my physical health and mental wellbeing... I think that the NERS is amazing and a huge asset... I believe that the success of the scheme in Penarth is down to your hard work, dedication and compassion for each and every one of your clients and I cannot thank you enough for all you have done for me personally. Long may the scheme continue!

Diolch yn fawr iawn to Craig and the rest of the team for your work which has clearly had a very positive impact on this resident. Gwaith da!

Shirley CurnickI’d also like to congratulate one of our colleagues who has just passed a big work milestone. Shirley Curnick in our Big Fresh Catering team has recently completed her forty-fifth year of service in local government.

During her career Shirley has worked for South Glamorgan County Council, the Vale of Glamorgan Council, and now Big Fresh Catering Limited. In that time she has worked as a Kitchen Assistant and Cook-in-Charge and has brightened the day of thousands and thousands of pupils over the years, not to mention her colleagues in the kitchens.

Shirley is currently working at Palmerston school and I know is hugely valued by all the staff there, including the Headteacher, Sarah Cason, and Governors who’ve also congratulated her on the achievement.

On behalf of everyone at Team Vale I’d like to thank you Shirley for everything you’ve given to support our services over the last four decades. I am sure you have more than a few stories to tell! Diolch yn fawr iawn.

Earlier this week, I was contacted by Demie Haywood, Apprentice Licensing Support officer within Shared Regulatory Services.  Demie explained that her apprenticeship with the team has been amazing and she passed her Business Admin level 3 on Wednesday – Congratulations Demie!

Her apprenticeship comes to a conclusion this week, and she reached out to thank the colleagues within the team for the support that they have offered her during her time with the Vale.

Demie said ‘I just want to say a huge thank you to all within the licensing department here with SRS. They have helped me through my apprenticeship and given a lot of support and help. I owe them my qualification because without them giving me the support, and taking the time to teach me I wouldn’t have been able to apply myself as well as I have done. They have helped really kick start what I hope will be a very successful career. Though we see a lot on budget cuts, and there is a side to working in the public sector that is different to other jobs I have held, this has not been a draw back. It has been my pleasure to serve alongside the best group of individuals who strive so hard for the customer experience to be a good one. They go above and beyond all the time and they have been an inspiration working in that front office. I am now moving onto another role, and I will take with me their passion, strength and motivation to always do right, and always get the best out of the situation. Thank you team! ‘

Diolch Demie for reaching out and that is indeed a glowing endorsement and I am sure that all who have supported you will be incredibly proud to read your comments. 

The learning cafeFinally, I just wanted to again take the opportunity to remind you all of the Learning café that is now fully up and running and with a full programme for the year ahead.  It really is for everyone in the organisation who wants to learn and develop, share challenges, good practice and ideas.  Full details can be found on staffnet and staffnet+.  I attended a session this week on community power and it was great to discuss and share ideas with colleagues as to how we can work and engage better with community groups, organisations and other partners across the Vale. I’d like to thank Natalie Jones, Organisational Development and Learning Assistant for the excellent work she has done to pull the initiative together and the programme that is being put in place.  Well done Natalie – Gwaith da!

And as always thanks to everyone for their efforts this week. Have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
