Guide to LGBT+ Month in the Vale:
While the medicine is an important theme, we wanted to expand this theme and discuss health in general. Therefore, throughout February we will be sharing information on the developments on medicine, mental health, and sexual health.
There will also be the first event of a series on LGBTQ+ Families, starting with LGBTQ+ Parenting, which has been organised in collaboration with Cardiff Council and RCT. This will take place online on Wednesday 21st of February at 12pm.
Further details on what will be shared throughout the month can be seen below:
W.C 5th of February
Medicine - Discussing advancements in medicine.
W.C 12th of February
Mental health - Providing resources around mental health.
21st of February
LGBTQ+ Parenting Event (Joining details to follow)
27th of February
GLAM Network Monthly Meeting
W.C 26th of February
Sexual health advancements and advice