Cleanliness of Pool Cars

27 August 2024

Pool Car CleanlinessThere has been an increased number of complaints regarding the state of pool cars when returned after use in recent weeks. These include rubbish and food waste left in cars, stains on seats, removal of covers from the vehicles, and cigarette packets and vapes being left in vehicles.

There have been cases where damage to vehicles is not being reported.

We would like to remind all staff registered to use pool cars that you are responsible for leaving the car clean, ready for the next user, and reporting any damage to the vehicle or other issues.

The pool cars are there for your comfort and convenience, and as a shared resource for all staff. It is not acceptable to expect other colleagues to clean cars when collecting them.

If you feel the need to report poor cleanliness or damage to vehicles, please do so immediately through emailing

Thanks in advance for your support.