Phil Southard Funeral Arrangements

The details of the funeral and memorial service for Phil Southard, the Council’s Culture and Community Learning Manager, who unexpectedly passed away recently have been shared with all colleagues by Phil’s family.

Phil SouthardThe funeral will take place at Barry Crematorium, Port Road East, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan, CF62 9PX at 1pm on the 13 September.

Following this all who knew Phil are welcome to join his family and friends and Penarth Pier Pavilion, The Esplanade, Penarth, CF64 3AU, to share their memories of his life and of the huge impact he had on those his work touched.

In recognition of Phil’s work to bring the Pavilion back to the community he cared so much about and his contribution to lifelong learning, the Pavilion's classroom is being named the Southard Classroom - Dosbarth Southard. 

Support is available to anyone who needs it, with anyone affected encouraged to seek help. Our counselling service, Care First, can be contacted on 0800 174 319. Occupational Health colleagues are also on hand to assist.