Matts Weekly Round-Up.
08 September 2023
Dear colleagues,
Rob has asked me prepare this week’s round-up while he is on annual leave. For those of you who I haven’t yet met, I’m Matt, the Council’s Head of Finance. I joined the Vale last year and am part of the management team in the Council’s new Corporate Resources directorate. As always, I’ve got updates from across the Council and I’m also going to shine a light on some of the great work going on in Corporate Resources.
The first thing I’d like to say is croeso nol and welcome back to all of those colleagues returning to our schools after the summer break. Having worked in local government for over 30 years I am very well aware that the summer break isn’t the six week holiday many people imagine but I hope everyone had the chance to recharge and is looking forward to the term ahead.
People say timing is everything and the decision by the Department of Education for England to reclassify the risk of schools constructed using Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) on the eve of the new term certainly got many people’s attention.
Although all schools in the Vale opened as usual, the widespread coverage will I am sure have caused concern for some colleagues and their families. The Council’s Learning and Skills and Property teams have been in close contact with Welsh Government, the WLGA, and other local authorities throughout the week. A review of our school estate data is being undertaken and colleagues are working hard to compile all of this information in time to share with Welsh Government next week.
SLT met to discuss the issue of both schools and non-school buildings on Tuesday. A wider review of all Council buildings will also be undertaken. This is being coordinated by Property team. If colleagues have any questions they should raise these with their Operational Manager or Head of Service who can then share with colleagues in Property.
The timing of this media storm is somewhat ironic as over the last two months the Property and Building Services teams has been working non-stop to deliver the annual asset renewal programme for the Vale’s schools. Each year the summer break gives our teams a window in which they can undertake improvements and any significant maintenance work without causing disruption to pupils.
Significant projects were completed at 19 schools, with minor refurbishments undertaken at many more. Many of these are unglamorous – upgrading toilets, resurfacing playgrounds, and repairing roofs – but this is the work that makes our schools pleasant and safe spaces for pupils to learn and colleagues to work. Managed by the Commercial and Consultancy team, the work involves colleagues from across the Property department. Almost all of the work is completed by Building Services and I think this is an excellent example of the Team Vale approach that I heard so much about before joining the Council. On behalf of all those returning to improved schools and colleagues across the Council I’d like to thank everyone that made this year’s asset renewal programme such as success.
I would also like to thank those in our Finance team who worked so quickly to process the £50 holiday payments to families who qualify for free school meals over the summer. While most of us, and certainly most children, long for the holidays to start it can be a very anxious time for some families, especially those hit hardest by the cost of living crisis. The payments will have made a huge difference and I am hugely grateful to those colleagues who worked so hard to identify available funding and process the payments so quickly. Diolch yn fawr pawb.
Rydw i'n ceisio dilyn esiampl Rob a defnyddio rhywfaint o fy nghymraeg. Rob mentioned last week that he had taken part in a presentation to Welsh learners. I am very proud to say that I was there too receiving mine for completing the entry level course, very satisfying for a native of South Pembrokeshire. Learning new skills is always an enjoyable experience. One of the things that I’ve been most impressed by since joining the Vale is the organisation’s commitment to developing its own staff. This is something that colleagues in HR are always working to drive forwards.
The Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy and People Strategy set out very clearly just how much we will have to change as an organisation to come out of the next few years as a stronger local authority. I will forgive those of you who haven’t read both in full but would recommend colleagues do take the time learn a little more about what is ahead and the opportunities that will be available to everyone to develop themselves to meet these challenges. Whatever the challenges – and the news about Birmingham Council this week made clear just how great these are – I firmly believe this is a very exciting time for local government. There are huge possibilities for transforming the way we work and the services that we deliver and am proud to be part of a Council that has such ambitious plans in this area.
Both our financial and personnel plans are ambitious and the newest programme of work that builds on these and is helping to shape the Council for the future is our Digital Strategy. Consultation on this closed today (08 September) and I’d like to thank all of those colleagues who took the time to share their views. The responses will now be reviewed and the strategy finessed in line with these.
Project Zero is another initiative led by Corporate Resources that is helping teams across the Council change how they work and support the Vale’s efforts to tackle climate change. There is still opportunity for teams to apply for funding for projects that will help us deliver on our Project Zero objectives.
Nine projects were funded after a successful first round of applications. These include an ‘energy sparks’ education programme in schools, scoping studies for carbon reduction projects, and part funding for a new food and farming role. The next round closes on 02 October and the Council’s Project Zero Programme Manager Susannah McWilliam is available to help all colleagues who think they may have an appropriate idea.
Many of you may not be aware that this week is National Payroll Week. Never ones to seek the limelight our Payroll team have carried on as usual – working hard to ensure that all 5000+ staff employed by the Council and Schools get paid accurately and on time. I think you will all agree with me that this is very important work. Payroll is similar to many corporate services in that most of us probably never give it a second thought… but we soon would if anything went wrong. The reason that doesn’t happen is because we have a great team. Despite all of the challenges that the Oracle Fusion project, differing employee conditions, and complex pay awards have thrown at them, Sarah, Diane, Paula, Christine, Christina, Emma, Alice, Caroline, Kevin, Gareth, Alix, Jess, Laxmi and Louise continue to work diligently and unphased to ensure that the Council is able to deliver on its most fundamental commitment to staff. On behalf of every single employee, diolch yn fawr i gyd. Finally, I am sure I am not the only one who’s been eagerly anticipating the start of the Rugby World Cup this weekend. Pob lwc to the Wales team for their first match in Bordeaux on the weekend. Whether you are watching the match or not I hope you all have a great weekend.
Thank you to everyone for their work this week to make the Vale such a great place to live and an even better Council to work for. Diolch yn fawr pawb.