Your protection as a whistleblower

Speaking out or 'whistleblowing' has a positive impact on the organisation, protecting the Council's finances and reputation, while keeping colleagues and customers safe.

Voicing concerns can be daunting, but the Council has procedures in place to protect those who speak out.

What protection will I be offered?

The Council does not tolerate any harassment or victimisation (including informal pressure) and will take disciplinary or corrective action should anyone
attempt to victimise a whistleblower or prevent concerns being raised.

UK law also protects employees from dismissal, harassment, or victimisation if such treatment occurs as a result of having made a whistleblowing disclosure considered to be in the public interest, and the Council will make every effort to ensure that your name is not revealed without your consent.

You can read more about the legal protection afforded to whistleblowers on page 5 of the Council's whistleblowing policy. 

How should I raise a concern?

The Council's whistleblowing policy welcomes all genuine concerns and treats reported issues seriously.

The Speak Out hub makes it quick and easy for you to report your concerns via an online form, phone line or email (confidentially if preferred).

What should I expect next?

The Operational Manr Custageomer Relations will record the allegation on a central register. Within the next 10 working days the whistleblower will receive an explanation on how the Council proposes to deal with the matter.

The Council's response will depend on the nature of the concern raised. You can find example responses on page 5 of the Council's Whistleblowing policy

Last year, we asked what would help you better understand the Council's whistleblowing policy. In line with this feedback, the policy has been updated and we have enhanced the Speak Out hub and this year’s campaign to include a ‘policy on a page’, summary animation, and the development of an iDev module is in the pipeline.

Watch the summary animation: