Carers Rights Day 2023: Thursday November 23

23 November 2023

Carers Rights Day Logo EnglishWe’re joining organisations across the UK to mark Carers Rights Day on November 23.

An unpaid carer is someone who provides or intends to provide unpaid care to an adult or disabled child. Every year, Carers UK raise awareness of carers rights through a national Carers Rights Day campaign.

Carers Rights Day helps raise awareness of caring, helping to identify carers and empowers them with information, advice, and support. It helps carers feel confident asking for what they need and challenge things when their rights are not being met. Whether that is in the workplace or education, in accessing health or social care, or when interacting with other professionals at home, Carers Rights Day aims to bring light to challenges that carers face.

Carers living the Vale can access a range of support via a single point of contact. Through a Carers Assessment, the support worker learns about a carers circumstance and eligible needs before facilitating appropriate services and support.

Vale residents who are looking after someone, can request a Carers Assessment by calling 01446 700111 or emailing

Hear more about the support available from James Livingston, the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Carers Development Officer:

Drop-In Manual Handling Training Session for Unpaid Carers

This Thursday, Elspeth Cameron, the manual co-ordinator for the Council, will be hosting a drop-in training session to demonstrate a range of equipment and provide advice on how to move someone safely.

Carers can drop into the event between 10 – 4pm on 23 November at Unit 5, Business Service Centre, Hood Road, Barry, CF62 5QN.

Employee Carers Policy

Our Carers Policy is designed to help address the needs of employees with caring responsibilities to help balance their home lives with their working lives.

The policy applies to any employee who cares for an elderly and/or disabled adult who falls into one of the following categories:

  • Is married to or the partner or civil partner of the employee
  • Is a near relative of the employee
  • Falls into neither category but lives at the same address as the employee

Carers Policy

Employees with caring responsibilities need to register in order to enjoy the full benefits of the policy. Depending on your circumstances, these benefits may include:

  • Updates on support information and developments for carers, send directly to you
  • Access to email and telephone facilities in work
  • ‘Time Outs’ from the office
  • Access to a carer career break scheme
  • Access to flexible working facilities
  • Access to special leave
  • Access to unpaid leave
  • Home working

Useful Resources

Carers Register

Carers Register Application

Right to Request Flexible Working

You can find more information and access to support on the Council’s website:

Information for Unpaid Carers