Learn about data breaches with Data Breach Bobi

Meet Data Breach Bobi (EN)

This week sees the launch of the Council's ‘Do your Part, be data smart’ campaign and the Data Breach Staffnet+ Hub.

Alongside the mandatory Data Protection Learning Module on iDev, the campaign aims to raise awareness of what a data breach is, when to report a data breach and how to do so.

As a Council, we collect a lot of personal data about those who use our services. Sometimes things can go wrong, and personal data can be used incorrectly or given to an unintended recipient.

Whilst the Council expects staff to be careful when handling personal data it also understands that due to the amount of data we handle it is inevitable that from time to time a data breach may occur. 

Visit the Data Breach Hub to learn about data breaches with Data Breach Bobi:

Data Breach Staffnet+ Hub