Celebrating Pride 2023

GLAM was joined by over 15 colleagues, councillors, friends, and family marching in the Pride Cymru parade with over 10,000 people in Cardiff on 17 June.

The streets were lined with cheering onlookers as the largest ever Pride Cymru parade marched through Cardiff’s city centre in glorious sunshine.

We carried placards showing the Council’s corporate values, which also reflect our commitment to inclusion and equality. Our GLAM banner looked amazing amongst all the other rainbows.

Many then went on to attend the Pride event itself in Cardiff Castle.


A smaller but no less enthusiastic group attended and marched in Cowbridge Pride the following week on 24 June. They were joined by Jane Hutt MS and Labour candidate for the Vale, Kanishka Narayan. More than 1000 people took part, ranging from adults to parents and kids to celebrate pride in Cowbridge.

GLAM Cowbridge Pride 2023