Message from the Head of Human Resources

Dear colleagues,

I very much appreciate that the forthcoming NEU strike action and related school closures may have implications for staff with dependent children.

With this in mind, I would like to draw your attention to the following advice and guidance should the school or year group of a member of staff’s child be closed during the period of industrial action.

Any staff member unable to attend work can take a period of unpaid leave to care for a dependant, in discussion with their line manager. Alternatively, in agreement with their line manager, the staff member can arrange for annual leave (in the normal way and following the normal processes) or seek agreement to change shift patterns or hours of work on a temporary basis for the days of the strike action.

Those who have the option of working from home should agree in advance with their line manager how work commitments will be approached and the tasks that should be undertaken on that day. This could involve working outside of your normal working day for this temporary period, however, full consideration should be given to the service provisions required and the needs of our citizens in making such decisions. For those providing a frontline service, it is important to engage with your line manager at the earliest opportunity to best plan shift arrangements and any need to take unpaid or annual leave.

Whilst I appreciate this period will be difficult for our staff, it is expected that staff members will make every effort to seek alternative childcare provision and that the service delivered to our citizens continues.

We hope such an approach allows for greater flexibility for our staff members, whilst supporting the needs of departments and the ongoing need to support our schools. If you have any queries, please contact a member of the HR Team.

Strike Dates: February 1, 14, March 15 and 16

Kind Regards,

Tracy Dickinson