Developing a new Digital Strategy and Roadmap

The Council has begun work to develop a new Digital Strategy and Roadmap for the organisation. 

25 January, 2023

Our Annual Delivery Plan identifies ‘Organisational Resilience’ as one of three critical challenges for the next twelve months and into the medium term. This means making sure as an organisation we are fit for purpose and in a position to be able to deliver on our Corporate Plan’s vision of Strong Communities with a Bright Future. 

The Digital Strategy is a key part of that and we are undertaking a project, supported by Socitm, to develop a new Digital Strategy and Roadmap.

The first steps to guide us through that project will be to consider:

  • What does digital mean for us?
  • What can digital do?

And this is what we’re hoping to achieve: 

Developing a new digital strategy

We are just at the beginning of our discovery phase and the next steps as outlined in the infographic will follow from there. We plan to have the project completed by April.

Tom Bowring, Director of Corporate Resources, said, “The digital strategy is an integral part of making sure that we as an organisation can continue to evolve and deliver services that are fit for the future. This means reviewing processes and practises and making sure the services we deliver and the way in which we work are sustainable.

“We will continue to share updates as this project progresses. We will involve a number of colleagues in the process and it was good to meet with ICT colleagues this week to kick off the project. In the meantime, if you have any ideas for how your service or process could be improved using a digital method or otherwise, we are always happy to receive these suggestions".

Please contact if you have any questions or suggestions.