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Working together towards an Age Friendly Vale

Working alongside the Vale of Glamorgan Public Services Board, the Council is committed to supporting people of all ages to live and age well across the county.

The Vale of Glamorgan has a large older population which is predicted to continue to grow in the coming years.

By 2030 the number of people aged over 65 living in the Vale is expected to increase by 22%, giving the county the second largest predicted increase in Wales. The number of people aged over 80 is also expected to increase by 39%.

Loveluck-Edwards, BelindaThe Council is currently working on an application, on behalf of the Public Services Board, which formally commits to making the Vale more age-friendly, using the World Health Organisation’s Global Age-Friendly Cities Guide as a model.

To support the Council’s work and ensure the needs and views of our older population are considered in political decisions, last year Councillor Belinda Loveluck-Edwards was appointed the Council’s Older Person’s champion.

Belinda said: “As our population ages, it is vital that a voice is given to older people so that our services and future strategies are fit for purpose as we do all that we can to give people dignity as they grow old in The Vale.”

More recently, the Council has utilised funding from Welsh Government to appoint Siân Clemett-Davies, Age Friendly Vale Officer.

Siân has been engaging and involving older people in the process of becoming a more age friendly community as well as supporting the longstanding Vale 50+ Strategy Forum by developing a busy calendar of engagement events for 2023.

Siân Clemett-Davies

Established in 2003, the forum, that now has over 280 members, celebrated its 20th Anniversary this year.

The Chair of the Executive Group, Anne-Marie Little said: “The Forum gives a powerful voice to the needs of older people in shaping their communities for the benefit of all citizens locally and nationally. Everyone is welcome to attend our ‘Have Your Say’ events and we are always on the lookout for more members”. 

If you are running an engagement event or activity and / or would like the support of our Age Friendly Vale / Older Person’s representatives, please contact Siân on01446 700111 or email