Take Part in Race Equality Week - Day 3


Race Equality Week

Thank you for returning after day 1 and day 2!

Today again you have a 5-minute challenge involving an eye-opener reflective question, short video and committing to action.

Day 3 is all about names.

Do you pronounce everyone’s name correctly? And so what if you don't?

  • Question

    If you come across someone who has a name that’s unfamiliar to you, do you?

    -        Avoid saying their name?

    -        Have a go and hope for the best?

    -        Have a go and ask if you have pronounced it correctly

    -        Check with them how to say their name first?

    -        Shorten their name to make it easier to pronounce?



     Day 3 Question

  • Video 

    So what if we get someone’s name wrong?



    Watch this video to find out:



    88% believe Race Equality Matters’ MyNameIs, which advocates asking people how to say their name and spelling people’s names phonetically, will tackle race inequality.

  • Action

    What could you do to make sure you get everyone’s name right? Ideas:


    • Observe and practice. Make an effort to hear how someone pronounces their name to other people.
    • Ask them how to pronounce their name.
    • Clarify again. If you meet someone again after a while, it’s fine to say “remind me of your name again” or “remind me how to pronounce your name again”.
    • Don’t be arrogant or flippant. Don’t say “I’ll never get it right – can I call you something else?”
    • Commit to adding your phonetic spelling to your email and encourage your colleagues to do the same.To find out more, go to:



    What actions will you take?

  • #MyNameIs 

    #MyNameIs is a solutions-focused campaign which encourages the use of phonetic spellings on email signatures and name badges.


    This can ensure everyone pronounces people’s names correctly, which can help tackle race inequality.

    Here’s what you can do

    • Add a phonetic pronunciation of your name to your email signature - follow the instructions and add #MyNameIs / #FyEnwYw + the phonetic spelling. Find your phonetic name using the #MyNameIs digital tool.
  • Additional Resources

    1. https://hbr.org/2020/01/if-you-dont-know-how-to-say-someones-name-just-ask

    2. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/dont-know-how-to-pronouce-name-what-not-tosay_l_61f96f24e4b02de5f51edd25


    3. https://www.raceequalitymatters.com/why-you-should-get-involved-in-mynameis/

    4. https://www.raceequalitymatters.com/inein-tfw/


    5. https://www.howtopronounce.com/