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Join our Creative Community and Vale Economy teams at the upcoming Community Hack
Join our Creative Community and Vale Economy teams at the upcoming Community Hack
Our Creative Community and Vale Economy teams are hosting a series of free business and community hack events.
Designed to bring people together to develop fresh ideas to tackle social challenges, the hacks provide an opportunity to network, co-design new solutions to shared problems and learn about the Vale of Glamorgan Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF).
The Council has been allocated a total of £14m SPF funding to invest over three years. In April 2022 the UK Government published the prospectus for the SPF, outlining that funding should be invested in communities and place, supporting businesses, and people and skills.
Delivered by experts from Cwmpas, the hack sessions teach the basics of setting up a sustainable venture or project, including building on your strengths, creating new ideas, applying for funding, generating income, working with different groups, and how to test your ideas.
During the last couple of weeks, the team have hosted two successful hack events, both of which have since received glowing feedback from participants.
One of the attendees said: “It was a great opportunity to meet with representatives from the local community, to learn about the shared prosperity fund and to take part in an agile sprint. I certainly learnt a lot from taking part in the hackathon.”
Feedback received after the event was really positive with one person saying: “It was great to see businesses from the Vale and listen to their plans. It was also a great opportunity to network with businesses in similar areas of work.”
The Community Hack at Memo Arts Centre on 15 February saw staff from across the Council collaborate with local residents and organisations to build and pitch a range of projects from town and high street regeneration schemes to cost of living solutions.
The event is one of many events that members of the Council’s Public Participation Network are delivering. If your work involves engagement or you wish to find out more about participation, join the Public Participation Network. Email
The next Community Hack will take place on 02 March at Vale Cricket Club.
If you wish to attend you can find more information and sign up online.