Council Remembers Vicky Morgan

Vicky MorganIt is with great sadness and shock that we learnt of the sudden death of Vicky Morgan earlier in the month after a very short illness. Vicky was the Library Resources Admin Assistant based at Barry Library.  

Vicky was one of the lynchpins of the Library Service; she was so knowledgeable and helpful, so proactive in foreseeing and pointing out potential issues ahead, and so efficient at dealing with the task at hand. If you had a question or a problem, Vicky could solve it.

Much more than this of course, Vicky was a great colleague to work with and a friend to many who she knew from her days working at Bryn Hafren School and at Provincial House. Vicky had a vibrant personality, a positive attitude, an enquiring spirit and a good sense of humour to help us get through everything.

Vicky will be greatly missed by her loving family, her parents, her 4 daughters and her grandchildren: along with all of us at work.

Her funeral will take place at Barry Crematorium on Friday 3rd March at 12 noon.