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The Vales Social Care teams celebrate at the Cardiff and Vale Excellence in Care Awards
The Vale’s Social Care teams celebrate at the Cardiff and Vale Excellence in Care Awards
Over 150 Council-employed and privately commissioned care providers attended the Memo on 05 April for an evening of celebrations.
Co-ordinated by Project Officer, Steve Davies and supported by Administration Apprentice, Katie Foster, the Vale’s Social Care Workforce Development Team led on the organisation of the 2023 Awards
The event saw care providers from across the region celebrate achieving their Health and Social Care Qualifications Level 2-5 and receive awards from the Mayors of the Vale of Glamorgan and Cardiff, and the Council’s Director of Social Services, Lance Carver.
Hosted by television news presenter, Sian Lloyd, the evening was made extra special for being the first regional awards night after a hiatus during covid restrictions.
The Team have since received glowing feedback about the event and would like to give a big thankyou to all colleagues involved in the planning and organisation, to Big Fresh for providing refreshments and a buffet, to the Memo for facilitating the evening, and of course to all our Care Staff who work with great passion to support our communities.