Social Services receives glowing inspection report

06 April 2023

The Social Services Team has received a glowing report following a recent Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) inspection.

CIW assessed both Children and Young People’s Services and Adult Services and recognised the high level at which both are operating.

Its report highlights strong senior leadership within the department and the clear strategic plans in place to evaluate improvements.

Colleagues were also commended for clear evidence of improvement since CIW carried out an assurance check in November 2021, resulting in better outcomes for children, young people and their families.

The fact most people receive support and services in a timely manner was also noted, while other positive findings focused on the support provided to maintain service users’ safety and wellbeing and the efforts made to ensure their voices are heard.

Inspectors found evidence that communication in Welsh and other languages was offered and referenced the investment being made into quality assurance, with newly appointed posts set to focus on this area.

Lance Carver, Director of Social Services, said: “We are very pleased with the outcomes of the inspection report, which are overwhelmingly positive.

“Above all, the document is a ringing endorsement of our dedicated staff, who have continued to perform to exceptional standards at a challenging time for Social Care provision across Wales.

“They have worked diligently, and often selflessly, against a backdrop of stretched resources and increased demand, continuing to offer first-class support to some of the Vale’s most vulnerable residents.

“All involved deserve immense credit for their efforts and I’d like to pass on my personal thanks to each and every one of you. This recognition is richly deserved.

“The investment into bolstering our Quality Assurance System will strengthen the Service further, helping to offer even more to those in the Vale that need it most.”