How visible are lesbians already?
The 2021 Census asked about sexual orientation for the first time. Of those who answered the question on sexual orientation in the Vale of Glamorgan, 3.07% selected a 'Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Other (LGB+)' orientation, 90.3% of people aged 16 years and over selected 'straight or heterosexual', and the remaining 6.6% chose not to answer the question.
The Stonewall Rainbow Britain 2022 report shows that the percentage of people identifying as lesbian increases down the generations, with 3% of Gen Z identifying as lesbian compared to less than 1% of Baby Boomers and Gen X. This is backed up by UK Census data which shows more women than men are identifying as ‘queer’ than men, at 3.32% compared to 3%.
Research by Pride in London 2018 showed that gay women are almost twice as unlikely to be out in the workplace as gay male colleagues. Whilst this research predates Stonewall and Census data, it is still a relevant concern.
Lesbian Visibility Week helps to platform lesbian voices, increasing the visibility of lesbians, allowing frank discussion and celebration. Visibility can help others come forward and live their lives honestly as who they really are. Diversity and inclusion are crucial to a positive and equitable workplace and society.