Let's talk about Menopause!
The Vale of Glamorgan Council is committed to supporting staff in the workplace and are offering a Human Resources led Menopause Café for all employees, supported by Occupational Health.
The cafe will take place on World Menopause Awareness Day, 18 October 12:30pm – 13:30pm and is open to everyone who would like to know more about menopause and the support available.
The theme for this years’ World Menopause Awareness Day is cognition and mood (or brain fog and memory difficulties), which the café will be an opportunity to explore, how this impacts on women, families and what support employees would want available at work.
The Council recognises that a large and increasing proportion of its workers will be working through and well beyond the menopause and wants everyone to understand what menopause is and to be able to talk about it openly and without embarrassment.
Menopause is a natural phase in every woman’s life and an increasing demographic within the workforce. To create an inclusive workplace we need to get everyone involved, everyone needs to understand what menopause is, as only by raising awareness can we normalise this taboo and begin to offer support, understanding and acceptance.
The menopause café will be your opportunity to:
- tell us what means means for you
- learn more about menopause symptoms
- Share your experiences
- understand how to support staff at work
If you have any queries about the session, please contact Occupational Health:
01446 709121
World Menopause Awareness Day
World Menopause Awareness Day aims to raise awareness of the menopause and to support options to improve health and well-being for women in mid-life and beyond.
The theme for World Menopause Day 2022 is is Cognition and Mood (Brain Fog and Memory Difficulties) in Menopause.
Menopause brain fog is a group of symptoms that happens around the time of the menopause, including difficulty remembering words and numbers, disruptions in daily life (misplacing items like keys), trouble concentrating (absent mindedness, losing a train of thought, being more easily distracted), difficulty switching between tasks, forgetting the reason for doing something (like why you came into a room), and forgetting appointments and events.
For more information about Menopause symptoms including brain fog, there are a number of organisations that provide information and support:
International Menopause Society
British Menopause Society
Menopause Matters