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Deadline Extended for Oracle Fusion Champions
Deadline Extended for Oracle Fusion Champions
The way in which all staff access information about their pay, personal details, and much more will soon be changing.
Our new, cloud-based, Oracle Fusion system is due in December, replacing the current Oracle system.
You can use Oracle Fusion to view your payslips, personal information, report expenses, and much more.
Hopefully you will have seen one of our recent news items calling for volunteers to sign up as Oracle Fusion Champions, our first line of support on the ground for the Oracle Fusion rollout.
If you’re interested in volunteering but haven’t yet signed up, don’t worry – we’re extending the deadline for signing up to the 18th of November 2022.
So what does being an Oracle Fusion Champion involve?
To help with the roll-out of the new system, we’re looking for tech-savvy volunteers.
We’re looking for a group of friendly, patient volunteers who are good at explaining computers without using jargon and are enthusiastic about all things digital.
You will be required to attend a half-day training session where you will be given full training to ensure you are comfortable with the system prior to Go Live and will have access to all the help and support you need.
How you can support:
Front-line support with the Oracle Fusion System questions, such as;
- Navigation Issues
- Changing Personal Information
- Completing Forms
- Accessing Expenses
- Accessing Payslips
Please express your interest by emailing your name, job title, and team to:
For more information on Oracle Fusion, make sure to visit the hub.
If you would like to know more about how Oracle Fusion could help you then please get in touch.