June is Pride Month!
June, because this was the month the Stonewall riots took place in Greenwich Village, New York in 1969 that began to change gay rights for people across America and the rest of the world.
2022 marks 50 years since the first Pride march in UK and there are celebrations across the country for Pride 50. The momentous achievements of the past fifty years can be marked whilst also looking forward to see what can be achieved over the next fifty years.
Why Pride?
Pride rejects any notion that being LGBT+ is shameful or negative and instead celebrates and encourages members to be proud of themselves and their community.
Pride is a celebration of people coming together in love and friendship to show how far LGBT+ rights have come and how there is still work to be one. Pride celebrates the work and contribution of LGBT+ people, raises awareness of LGBT+ history and challenges, and promotes acceptance and equality.
This year we’re being asked to #TakePride in supporting LGBT+ rights and to show that we want to live in a world where no one is discriminated because of who they are or who they love.
Take Pride in your workplace
Inclusive workplaces have a significant part to play in making a world where LGBT+ people can fulfil their potential. The Vale of Glamorgan Council is a Stonewall Cymru* Diversity Champion, which means that we have made a commitment to working towards a more inclusive workplace. We’re working hard to make sure that everyone can be themselves at work.
Stonewall research across the UK has shown that:
- Almost one in five LGBT+ staff have been the target of negative comments or conduct from work colleagues in the last year because they are LGBT+
- One in eight trans people have been physically attacked by customers or colleagues in the last year because of being trans
- One in eight LGBT+ people wouldn’t feel confident reporting homophobic or biphobic bullying to their employer
Visible displays of support can show LGBT+ people they are free to be themselves, which can help them thrive at work and beyond.
We recently received feedback relating to our Stonewall Workplace Equality Index (WEI) result for the previous year. This has been a particularly interesting and encouraging year for the Vale and will provide us as an organisation with a number of new outcomes to work towards over the next review cycle. Please keep an eye out for a separate article to follow later this month around that!
For more information and how to get involved and show your support, you can visit Stonewall and to help us work out how we’re doing as an organisation please get involved with the staff surveys and preparation for the WEI when it comes around.
Pride Cymru
Pride Cymru are committed to campaigning for equality and acceptance of diversity within our communities. They recognise and celebrate the contributions made by LGBT+ people in society and work to create opportunities for LGBT+ people around Wales to connect and support each other. Pride Cymru is committed to promoting and raising awareness of the issues affecting the LGBT+ community so society can be free from hate crime, discrimination and prejudice.
Pride Cymru are holding their Pride event on 27th and 28th August at City Hall Lawns in Cardiff. Pride Cymru’s Big Weekend has become a family-friendly community event, enabling diverse groups to come together and find out more about one another and the matters that affect the LGBT+ community.
Pride Cymru work to support all areas within the LGBT+ community throughout Wales and by engaging and partnering with other organisations, strive towards acceptance and respect for all.
For more information about Pride Cymru, the Big Weekend celebrations and to explore their hashtag #UniqueAndUnited, visit the Pride Cymru website.
The Council work extremely hard to ensure that we offer a safe and enjoyable place for LGBTQI+ people to work and to ensure that the Vale of Glamorgan area is a positive and nurturing environment therein. If you would like to get involved in this, or if you have any suggestions for how to make things better, please contact GLAM, our LGBT+ Staff Network.