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Have you thought about joining the Diverse Staff Network?
Have you thought about joining the Diverse Staff Network?
The Diverse Staff Network is a positive step for our organisation in promoting an inclusive workplace that actively celebrates its diverse community and workforce.
As February 07-13 is Race Equality Week, we wanted to remind colleagues of the work that is currently underway within the network.
During this week, members have:
- Taken part in a Safe Space Meeting to address issues of Race Equality in the organisation.
- Helped launch the #MyNameIs campaign to encourage phonetic spelling on badges etc.
- Encouraged senior leadership members to make the Big Promise.
Interested in joining?
All staff are welcome to join the network and support their mission in helping the Council become an employer of choice for people from diverse communities.
As part of this mission, the group aims to:
- Have a positive impact for colleagues from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities in the workplace;
- Raise overall awareness and visibility of its work
- Provide a social and supportive environment.
Establishing the network is a stride toward starting the conversation about race equality in the Council in a constructive and open way and demonstrating that uncomfortable conversations can lead to real change.
If you’d like to become a member of the Council’s Diverse Network, please complete a membership form:
Membership Form