Staff awards nominees

Meet your nominees for the Staff Awards

The countdown to this year’s awards is underway, and we’re pleased to present some of this year’s nominees.

In an exciting new addition to the awards, our sponsors will be choosing a winner for the Celebrating Diversity and Engagement category.

Amy Auton joined the Communication’s Team as the new Web Editor last November. 

Web accessibility is a key part in ensuring everyone in society has access to jobs, housing, learning and support. Whilst the improvements that Amy has made might not be visible to most, they’re life changing for those who need to use them.

Amy said, “I’m very excited to be shortlisted for the award. 1 in 5 people in the UK experience a permanent or temporary disability and this work helps make sure that our online services can be used by everyone. We’ve already increased our accessibility score on the Silktide Index from 52 to 92, and I’m looking forward to building on this.”

Also up for nomination is Georgia Young and the I AM ME project. I AM ME is a youth club for LGBTQ+ young people and allies, with the aim to create safe spaces to express themselves and explore their identities. They offer LGBTQ+ training on topics such as healthy relationships, internet safety and confidence building. 

The HSW Team has been nominated for their role in promoting a positive health and safety culture within Neighbourhood Services and finding ways to recognise the great work of their colleagues.

We’re also pleased to include Martine Coles on the nomination list. Martine has worked tirelessly to develop the Council’s Diverse Network - all of which has been done in her own time.

Returning to this year’s ceremony is the Rising Star Award. This was one of the most popular categories, receiving 17 entries in total.

Elliot Pottinger became a member of the Sports and Play team in 2021. His Golden Pass project has now engaged over 400 residents aged 60+, helping them access activities and reap the benefits of being physically active.

Elliot has also faced his own personal challenges, having been diagnosed with both bowel cancer. Elliot has continued to work throughout treatment and has recently been told his main tumour has reduced significantly. 

He said, “I’ve really enjoyed being part of the Healthy Living Team over the past year and it’s an honour to be nominated for the award. The Golden Pass project has helped residents become active and feel better in their day to day life. Thanks to all of the Activity Providers and Referral Partners who have made the project a success.” 

Emily Dobson has also been shortlisted for the award. Having joined the Council on a work experience basis, Emily quickly rose to Regeneration Assistant. She has since thrown herself into her work, showing particular expertise in community engagement and dealing with businesses during the pandemic.

Our other nominees include Rachel Protheroe and Megan Schlogl. Rachel, who works in Registration Services has launched a variety of new services, including the Your Vale Ceremony site.

Megan has worked in CYPS for 7 years, starting as a Business Support Assistant and progressing to Social Care Officer. Her passion has led her to pursue training to be a Social Worker through the Open University.