Support for young carers with new ID card scheme

A new scheme to enable young carers in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan to get the support and recognition they need will be launched tomorrow, June 10, during Carers Week.

Wednesday 09 June, 2021

The Young Carers ID card is a national initiative to support young people who care for a family member or friend to receive more understanding about the role they play, especially from the professionals they come into contact with most often.

The scheme will identify the young person carrying the card as a young carer, and help people like doctors, teachers and pharmacists to recognise them and support them appropriately.

A young carer is someone aged 18 or under who cares for someone who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support. There are more than 350 young carers being supported by services in Cardiff and the Vale and these individuals do so much to help and support family members and friends, often unseen, providing, practical and emotional help and support - from washing, lifting and cooking to organising the family finances. The estimated total number of young carers across the regions is more likely to be nearer to one in five school-aged children and young people.

We are working with Cardiff Council and the YMCA to deliver the card scheme across the region.  The YMCA already supports young carers in the area through various initiatives including the Cardiff Young Carers Project and young carers already working with the charity will be the first to receive their new ID cards.

The card will contain a photo of the young carer, their date of birth, and an expiration date, as well as contact information for Carers Trust Wales and young carers services. All cards will display the Young Carers ID card logo, which was designed by two young carers.

Cllr Ben Gray, Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health said: “Whomever a young carer looks after, there is an impact on that young person’s life, whether that be on their emotional or physical wellbeing, educational achievement or life chances. However, with the right support, young people can balance their caring with doing the things that matter to them, and be empowered to fulfil their potential and achieve their ambitions.

“This new ID card scheme will raise awareness of young carers’ responsibilities and help them to get the assistance they need.”

Schools and education professionals can refer a young carer to the ID card scheme on the YMCA website.

Young carers can also self refer, but anyone under 14 must obtain parental consent to obtain a card.

Carers Trust Wales has been instrumental in supporting the national ID card scheme and its roll out across Wales.

To complement the new ID cards, a range of learning resources has been produced by the Trust including animations and young carers’ stories to help teachers, doctors and others understand more about the challenges young carers face.