Barry Island Beach Huts named UK's most popular

Barry Island has been named the most popular destination in the UK for visitors looking to hire a beach hut, according to research undertaken by

06 July, 2021

This news has come as no surprise to the team behind 'Visit the Vale', our tourism, events and marketing section, who promote the beach huts and the wider Vale as a destination for visitors.

Bro Radio Beach Huts interview - tweetUpon hearing the news Bro Radio asked Nia Hollins, Principal Tourism and Marketing Officer, to feature on their 'Vale this week' programme.

During the interview, Nia said:

"This is fantastic news and an added boost for the resort, but I'm not surprised. Of course I'm going to say that, I love our beach huts. There's absolutely nothing better than a family day out to Barry Island beach huts, they're second to none. So it's fantastic to have it confirmed in this way and it's absolutely wonderful for the resort.

"We launched a new Visit the Vale website recently and the data is showing us that's how people are finding us, they're using search engines to look for 'Barry Island'."

Nia and her team have been heavily invovled in the regeneration of Barry Island over the past six years, bringing an exciting weekend events programme to the resort every summer (pre-pandemic) and marketing the beach huts for families. This work has been vital in contributing to one of our Wellbeing Objectives, 'to support learning, employment and sustainable economic growth'. 

Royal visit Barry Island - Nia, Marcus, Rob, Dke and DuchessLast year when the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visted Barry Island a visit to the beach huts was top of their itinerary (after a quick game at Nessa's slots). And it was Nia and Sarah, our events coordinator, who played key roles in ensuring that visit went as smoothly as possible. 

Rob Thomas, Managing Director said, "The Vale's reputation as a family holiday destination is in a large part thanks to Nia and her team, who work alongside our enthusiastic and dedicated Resort Management team to keep the resort looking fantastic at all times. It's wonderful that their hard work and dedication has been recognised in this way. This is another feather in Barry Island's cap and I'm proud of the work that has gone in to regenerating Barry Island as a top UK tourist destination."

Why not support the Vale's economy yourself this summer and book a beach hut at Barry Island? Go to